Okay, bad man.
Susy. lt's me, Mike.
How long have you known?
You've been to the studio, Mike.
-Oh, that's right.
-And there was no doll.
More fun still, there wasn't even a desk.
Poor Sam. He really ought
to have a desk.
But you don't know Sam
and about him needing a desk.
-Mrs. Hendrix--
-Susy. We're not strangers.
All right, Susy. Game time's over.
l want the doll.
-l'm afraid you don't have any choice.
-Oh, but l do.
-l do have a choice.
-No, you don't.
Damn it, you act as if
you're in kindergarten.
This is the big, bad world full of mean
people, where nasty things happen.
Now you tell me.
Look, Susy, you listen to me,
and you listen to me good!
l'm through playing around.
You give me that doll,
and you give it to me fast!
Give it to me!