Wait Until Dark

-What are you gonna do with gasoline?
-Well, you just guess.

Now guess.
Please, no!
-All right!
-l thought that would save time.

l'll get you the doll.
Oh, that's a good girl.
Go to the head of the class.

lt's just a chair, Susy,
so you can sit down.

Did you know they wanted to kill me?
l did. l knew it even before they did.
They were awful amateurs, and that's
why you saw through them.

-l saw through you too.
-No, not all the way, Susy.

Even now, not all the way.
The lovely thing was the way
l let them set it all up.

All that silliness of meeting
in the parking lot, the whole thing.

They had comic-book minds, so we did
it their way, right until the end.

And then topsy-turvy.
Me topsy and them turvy.

-Where's Sam? Where did you send him?
-Clever, Susy.

-Where is he?
-He's on his way to Bellevue Hospital.

There was a message for him
when he got to Asbury Park.

One of those short, formal things.
