Why don't we stand up?
l said, stand up.
Now, go into the bedroom.
Mr. Roat?
-Are you looking at me?
-Yes, Susy--
Don't touch that!
l have your knife, Mr. Roat.
And l've got the matches, Mrs. Hendrix.
No, no.
No, no, no! No more! No, no, no!
No! lt's out! lt's out. lt's out, l said!
Cut it out!
Try lighting your match now, Mr. Roat.
Throw your matches over to me. Go on.
Don't move. l still have your knife.
Pick up the cane.
Tap on the floor right where you are
so l know where you are. Go on. Tap.
Keep tapping.
Keep tapping.
Keep tapping.
Keep tapping.