The code of the West
It's a true fact of living
What's lovingly given
will lovingly come back your way
Francisco! Where's that Mexican?
Francisco! Come on, Pancho,
get up out of there! Come on!
Now get them guns and that tack off
of that mule and get them on Big Blue...
and I want Billee's sorrel, too.
The sorrel is not shod yet.
All right.
I'll pick up a relief horse going south.
My posse's halfway into Mexico by now.
- Hey, patrón.
- What?
- Where'd you get these clothes?
- I got them at the undertaker's.
- Go on in there and get Big Blue.
- Daddy, Big Blue's...
No, don't interrupt me now, Billee.
I'm on a case.
You look like a mess.
What happened to you?
- You all right, ain't you?
- No.
- What's the matter?
- I don't know.
- I ain't got no time to fool around.
- Wait a minute.
I think he raped me.
Who? Francisco?
- Daddy!
- Well, who then?
He's big and tall...
- and mean and cruel...
- I didn't see nobody coming up the road.
- Where'd he go?
- Right into the desert.
Patrón, Blue is gone!
What do you mean, gone?
I tried to tell you he took Blue, too.
No, he ain't gone. He...
He took Blue with him?
He took that horse?
He took that...
Wait a minute.