Waterhole #3

True, John.
But you'll wear out before you go broke.
You don't know how saddle-sore I am.
Goddamn mule like to killed me
while Cole was riding on you.

Come on over here.
I'm going back,
I'm riding back to Durango

where the sun goes down at noon
Oh, girls in the West are the best
to rest with
Durango, Durango, Durango
Cottonseed cake? You ain't got nothing
in here but cow food.

Just keep digging a little deeper.
I packed in kind of a hurry.
- Well, this ain't much better.
- Good enough for me.

It's kind of pretty out there, ain't it?
- That's what it's all about.
- Yeah.

How come, at your age,
a fellow like you ain't tied down yet?

I was. Once.
What'd you do to her?
I don't know,
just got on separate trains, I guess.

That thing with Billee...
Of course, not being there,
I'll never really know, but...

what was that all about?
Just a hasty love affair.
Nothing got bruised but her pride.

You should've stayed to talk a bit.
I always talk about five minutes
before I run.

You left her upside down.
