Now you see that, don't you? It's a point
of honour, it's my bounden duty!
Listen to me!
Now I know I'm a fool and a sinner,
but I...
It's only your old dad here
you'd be turning loose if you did it.
She's coming, John. You did good.
That's fine, Billee. That's my girl.
Now, Cole, have you got
a knife somewhere?
I have. In my pocket, right there.
- Now...
- No, I'm not uncut yet.
Give me the knife, Billee.
Here now, just hold onto that gun.
Go ahead, it was worth it.
What's your name, anyway?
Quit fooling around.
Here, give me that gun. Take this.
His name is Lewton Cole.
I thought you knew him.
- No, John.
- All right, it's your gun, you do it.
Now don't jerk them reins around
that way...
you'll give that horse a leather mouth.
Now bring him over here.
Come on now, Billee.
Get down off there.
You're not the only one
who'll ride that horse.
Now come on, get off.
- Come on down.
- Hey, put me down!
All right, now you just hold on
there a minute.