Week End

He talked about my body and
how I turned him on...

...and how it was vulgar and unkind
- Did you think of me, too?
- Of course I did

But he did drive you home
But we stopped in rue Molitor...
...and kissed for a long time
in the parking place

He had one hand between my legs,
the other grasping my neck

He stayed like that, without moving
And you?
I didn't move, either. I was cold
He guessed I wanted another drink,
so we drove to St. Lazare

All the cafés were shut
He lives in rue Pasquier,
near St. Lazare

I was tired and very cold
I realize now I wasn't drunk at all
I wanted him to fuck me then -
anywhere, even in the lift

But I didn't say anything
His shoulder touched one of my breasts
when he shut the lift door

- Why?
- It just did

Monique came and opened the door
I was surprised; I thought she'd gone
to Spain with that designer, you know

I don't know
We saw them once in that cinema queue
I didn't know she was his wife
They've only been married two months
Well, what then?
Well, she opened the door
