Go on, then, telephone to Oinville
If you drove faster,
we wouldn't be late
I'll drive the way I please
We must collect father from the
clinic; mother mustn't arrange it
They're a real drag
I know, but if papa dictates a new
will into his Japanese tape-recorder...
It wouldn't be valid
Maybe not, but don't risk losing
your winter holiday in Mexico
You might end up in clink
Of course not.
Don't worry, it'll work out
Then why have we been poisoning his
grub every Saturday for five years?
Ring and say the motorway's blocked
and we'll be late
See what happened to that Triumph?
If only it were papa and mama
You bourgeois turd!
You oik of a peasant!
You killed the man I love!
Why didn't you stay in your stable?
Why drive so fast?
This isn't St. Tropez
You can't bear us having money
while you haven't, can you?
You can't bear us screwing on
the Riviera, screwing at ski-resorts!
Can't bear us chucking cash around
all year while you can't!
And in spring we go to Greece,
where grotty peasants like you...
...are clapped into jail along
with their twitty tractors