They want nothing which would
stand in the way of their victory
They don't want to be oppressed,
they want to oppress
They don't want progress,
they want to be first
They'll submit to anyone who promises
them they can make the laws
I wondered what I could say of them.
I decided it was that
We know nothing
We're totally ignorant of ourselves
We're as totally ignorant
of what this worm is
We're both enigmas
Anyone who denies it
is the most ignorant of all
Anyone who denies it
is the most ignorant of all
Look, trousers from Chez Eddy
- How many days has it been now?
- Today's Thursday
Your old man must have died by now;
Monday at the latest
Your mother will be furious with us
It's too bad, not fair
I bet the old bitch will have altered
his will. She won't share now
A little torture will change her mind
I remember a few tricks from when
I was a lieutenant in Algeria
Isn't that a lorry coming?
Quick, off with those trousers and
lie down in the middle of the road