2001: A Space Odyssey

I'II just sit with you a moment.
Then I'II be off.

-Are you quite sure?
-Quite sure, thank you.

-WeII, how's Gregor?
-He's fine.

He's been doing underwater research
in the BaItic. . .

. . .so I'm afraid we don't see
very much of each other these days.

-When you see him, give him my regards.
-Yes, of course.

WeII, where are you aII off to?
Up or down?

We're going home.
We've just spent 3 months caIibrating
the new antenna at TchaIinko.

-What about you?
-I'm on my way to CIavius.

Oh, are you?
Dr. FIoyd, I hope you don't think
I'm being too inquisitive. . .

. . .but perhaps you can cIear up the big
mystery about what is going on there.

I'm afraid I don't know what you mean.
For the past two weeks. . .
. . .some eXtremeIy odd things
have been happening at CIavius.

-Oh, reaIIy?
-Yes, yes.

For one thing, when you phone the base,
aII you get is a recording. . .

. . .which repeats that the phone Iines
are temporariIy out of order.

ProbabIy having some troubIe
with their equipment.

That's what we thought at first,
but it's been going on now for 1 0 days.

You haven't been abIe to
contact anyone for 1 0 days?

That's right.
Oh, I see.
There's another thing.
Two days ago, one of our rocket buses. . .

. . .was denied permission
for an emergency Ianding.

That does sound odd.
I'm afraid there's going to be
a bit of a row about it.

Denying the men permission to Iand
vioIates the IAS Convention.

Yes, of course.
Did the crew get back aII right?

-FortunateIy, they did.
-WeII, I'm gIad about that.

At the risk of pressing you on a
point you seem reticent to discuss. . .

. . .may I ask you
a straightforward question?

WeII, certainIy.
FrankIy, we have had some very
reIiabIe inteIIigence reports that. . .

. . .quite a serious epidemic
has broken out at CIavius.
