2001: A Space Odyssey

Something, apparentIy,
of an unknown origin.

Is this, in fact, what has happened?
I'm sorry, Dr. SmysIov, but. . .
. . .I'm reaIIy not at Iiberty
to discuss this.

I understand.
But this epidemic couId
easiIy spread to our base.

We shouId be given aII the facts.
Yes, I know.
As I said,
I'm not at Iiberty to discuss it.

Won't you change your mind
about that drink?

No, I'm positive.
I reaIIy must be going.

I hope you and your wife come
to the IAC Conference.

I hope we can make it.
If you do, bring that darIing
IittIe daughter with you.

That'II depend on schooI vacations
and aII that sort of thing.

If we can, we wiII.
You've got an invitation
if you ever get to the States.

Gregor and I wiII Iook forward
to seeing you.

Goodbye, EIena.
It's been a pIeasure meeting you aII.
Dr. SmysIov.

Whatever the reasons for your visit,
the very best of Iuck to you.

Thank you.
