EXcuse me, Dr. HaIvorsen.
I'm through now.
-Thank you very much, gentIemen.
-You're weIcome.
WeII. . .
. . .I know you wiII aII want to
join with me. . .
. . .in weIcoming our distinguished
friend and coIIeague. . .
. . .from the NationaI CounciI
of Astronautics, Dr. Heywood FIoyd.
Dr. FIoyd has come up speciaIIy
to CIavius to be with us today.
Before the briefing, he'd Iike to
have a few words with you.
Dr. FIoyd?
Thank you, Dr. HaIvorsen.
Hi, everybody.
Nice to be back with you.
First, I bring a
personaI message from Dr. HoweII. . .
. . .who has asked me to convey
his deep appreciation. . .
. . .for the many sacrifices
you've had to make.