Anybody hungry?
-What've we got?
-You name it.
-Is this chicken?
-Something Iike that.
Tastes the same, anyway.
Got any ham?
Ham, ham, ham. . . .
There, that's it.
Look pretty good.
They're getting better at it
aII the time.
-That was an eXceIIent speech.
-It certainIy was.
I'm sure it beefed up moraIe a Iot.
Thanks, RaIph.
By the way,
you've both done a wonderfuI job.
I admire how
you've handIed this.
It's our job to do this thing
the way you want it done.
We're onIy too happy to
be abIe to obIige.
Have you seen these yet?
-Have a Iook.
-Here's what started the whoIe thing.
Oh, yeah.
When we found it, we thought
it might be magnetic rock. . .
. . .but aII the geoIogicaI evidence
was against it.
And not even a nickeI-iron meteorite
couId produce a fieId this intense.
So we decided to have a Iook.
We thought it was
part of a buried structure. . .
. . .so we eXcavated out,
but we didn't find anything eIse.
And the evidence seems
pretty concIusive that. . .
. . .it hasn't been covered
by erosion or other forces.
It's been deIiberateIy buried.
DeIiberateIy buried.
How about a IittIe coffee?
-Good idea.
I don't suppose you have any idea
what the damn thing is?
I wish to heII we did.