
Barbarella's psychedelia...
...never can a fella name
or clone you...

Barbarella Bar... Barbarella
Stand by for a message
from Dianthus...

...President of Earth and
Rotating Premier of the Sun System.

- Barbarella?
- Mr. President.

- Love!
- Love!

Just a minute.
I'll slip something on.

Don't trouble yourself.
This is an affair of state.

What I must say not only is grave...
It's a secret.

A secret?
Have you ever heard of a young
scientist named Duran Duran?

- Yes.
- Recently en route to the North Star...

...he vanished into
the uncharted regions of Tau Ceti.

But... why is that a secret?
Because Duran Duran is the inventor
of the Positronic Ray.

- It's a weapon.
- Weapon?

Why would anyone want
to invent a weapon?

How should I know?
The universe has been
pacified for centuries, sir.

As far as we know. Yet we know
nothing of Tau Ceti or its inhabitants.

Could they still be in a primitive
state of neurotic irresponsibility?

Precisely. And If they learn
from this young scientist...
