
Thank you very much.
You must come with me.
What is your name?
What do you do in life?

I'm Concierge to the Great Tyrant.
- I congratulate you on your timing.
- That wasn't me.

- That was ordained by the Great Tyrant.
- I see.

What is that horrible thing
under the floor?

- That is the Mathmos, my child.
- The Mathmos?

You really are from Earth.
You don't understand.

- No.
- The Mathmos...

The whole city is built over a lake.
A very curious lake. Composed like
you and I of living energy...

...but energy in liquid form.
And it watches us.
It is magnetic. Being positively charged,
it feeds on negative psychic vibrations.

What you would call "evil".
It thrives on evil thoughts,
deeds and flesh.

In return, it gives us warmth,
light and life itself.

But it has a terrible appetite.
Perhaps you'll see some other time.
Pygar! Pygar!
Don't be concerned.
You'll see him again soon.

Now, if you'll just come this way.
Here, sit.
I'm afraid you must do as I say.

There, sit.
Forward... Please.
