No, dont...
Just go!
- Good morning!
- Good morning!
- Is this Cabin 16?
- Yes, its 16.
Are you bunking here, too?
Yes. Im Gennady Petrovich Kozodoyev.
Semyon Semyonovich Gorbunkov.
- I hope well become friends.
- Oh, I think so.
- Are you bringing along souvenirs?
- No.
- I have some here...
- Vodka?
Day Seven
of this fascinating cruise...
I love the song
about hares.
Senya, its not topical,
about hares!
Island of Bad Luck!
All covered with greenery,
Absolutely, stark,
Lies in our itinerary
An island of bad luck.
There live the savages,
Poor, wretched guys,
Faces bear ravages,
But kind under disguise.
Whatever theyre doing,
It never goes right.
They must be born to ruin
On a very black Friday night.