Brilliantovaya ruka

Is everything perfectly clear?
Hang around all the markets,
and the free exchange stores.
Be seen in the restaurants.

Let people see you as much as you can.
Here, for your expenses.
No, no, I wouldn’t think of it!
Please, no initiative.
Take it, it’s five hundred rubles.

In the new denomination?
- Something wrong with your head?
- I hid the cash.

- Come on, Semyon Semyonovich...
- I got it.

And take this.
What’s that for?
You can never tell.
I haven’t had it in my hands
since the war.

It’s not a real gun,
it’s rather psychological.

You can use it to scare someone.
We loaded it with blanks.

Can’t I have a real one?
You can never tell.

- No, you’d better not.
- I see.

Semyon Semyonovich,
what’s the matter with you?

That’s how it should be.
The Weeping Willow Tree Restaurant
