And there were
a lot of escapes there
and finally I ended up in Lövsta.
And no chance to show
you could behave there either,
only escapes and stuff there,
and in 1964 I was sentenced
to a youth prison.
And what I didn't know
when I got there, I got taught:
both school and prison, you know.
A trade school for thieves,
you know,
you learn everything you don't know.
That's all wrong,
I think you should go right to prison,
and there you'll get
another view of life.
I know what
I'm talking about anyway,
since I've been
locked up for ten years
in different institutions and such.
There was a little trouble
in the prison when I was there
and there was a little brawl
and I got another year out of it.
And then I ended up in jail
outside Stockholm
where I did nine months
and then I was...
This is Tompa.
I met him the day after he got
out of prison.
But he wasn't out long.
A month later I found out
he'd goofed again.
He pinched a car and got nine more.
When I got out I should get a job,
but I had no training or anything,
the prison was supposed to find me
a job and get me into a trade school.