English subtitles:
Jenny Bohman, Martin Minow
We gotta hustle money for food.
Do you have 25 öre to spare?
Don't you have 25 öre?
She had knickers on.
Hi brothers and sisters!
Got any money, you open wallet.
You seen my broad today?
What are you doing now?
We're waiting for some stuff.
-What are you gonna do with it.
-What do you think?
-Gonna chew? No. She's gonna shoot.
-We'll drink.
-We've stopped turning on now.
-Have you?
We haven't for a week now.
That's why you're
so funny today, huh?
Do you know what's funny?
It's you who are funny, huh?
Because you're always turning on.
You'll burn your brain out.