Dom kallar oss mods

I was alone and really screwed off.
Anyway, after a few months,
two cops came up

and started to talk about this,
but I didn't think anything
would happen.

They were gonna get me
a probation officer.

Then my mom got the job,
'cause I wasn't really a criminal.

Now, a year ago, you know,
we broke into a grocery store.

We took some bread
and I was put on probation.

Watched over by some dumb student.
He said that half the fault was mine
and half the society's.

When I hit him with something
he said:

"It'll be better
if you do this and that..."

You hopped on the subway,
went to work,

then home, read the papers,
watch TV and to bed.

Then I wanted a pad, you know,
'cause I don't have one,
I don't live anywhere.

So I told the guy to fix one,
I mean,

he could fix anything else,
put you in reform school and stuff,

so why couldn't fix me a pad.
Two days later he called
and said he was gonna quit.

"I can't reach Kenneth",
he told mom.

Reach, what the hell,
he didn't try to.

Now mom is watching me again,
