She really dug milk, man!
Three glasses!
A buck and a half, l spent on milk!
You cats said anything to me?
Hey, come here!
Bring him over here!
After l saw her drink all this milk,
l thought it was time to get out,...
...because l couldn't stand it anymore.
l wanted to get her up
to her apartment.
l wasn't expecting much.
But, when you want
to get into a chick...
...you've got to be subtle,
you can't say...
...'common baby, lets
go to your place and screw'.
You've gotta be subtle,
you've gotta be cool...
You've gotta say 'l'd just love
a cup of coffee,...
...do you know how to make it?'.
'Hey, l'd love to make you
some coffee,...
...lets go up to my apartment'.
So, we went up
to her apartment, and...
...she made me this cup of coffee.
lt was mud, man!
lt was the worst coffee l have
ever had in my entire life!
l say, 'lets go into
the living room and put on...
...a few tunes'. And she says,
'we can't do that,...
...l don't care about your room mate!'
So, we went in there, and
there's this chick, Ethel,...
...from Paravas, New Jersey.
Ugliest chick, l have ever seen
in my entire life!
She's sitting there reading.
So l say 'common, put on a few tunes'.
So she puts on a couple of tunes...
...and l sit down on the sofa,...
...and leave room for her to
sit down next to me,...
...and, she doesn't do that.
She goes over and sits next to Ethel...
...on the other side of the room.
And then she says,
'hey Ethel, come here,...
...l've something to tell you'.
And they had that whispering
God! Shades of the past!
So, old Ethel, gets up
and leaves the room, see.
And Joanne comes down
and sits next to me.
So l figure, something is
really happening now.
And Joanne comes back
and she's got this can of stuff...
...and she's flipping it up and down.
And she starts turning
out all the lights.
Well, l don't know if
this is scaring you away...
...but l'm going to be awake
for the next month and a half!
Lets sit down.
So old Ethel,...
...she comes back and sits down,
l mean, Joanne,...