And they're running right towards
that guy, you see, right that...
Right next to the tree there,
there's a guy in a white shirt.
And they're all running next to him.
And you know who that is?
-That's Officer X.
And this is his buddy down here
in the cop uniform...
...running up to help him, see?
-That's a white spot...
...that you can see through the tree.
-No man! That's Officer X.
l'm sure of it, see...
Because all of this...
l know for a fact that the shots
came from the front,...
And, what l want you to do is just...
l've got the negative here.
You take this and you blow it up.
Take the photo and blow
it up so that l see...
...that that is Officer X
and that he's got a gun,...
And that'll crack this case right open!
You won't see anything...
...but grains the size of golf balls!
-No man!
l saw the blow up! l know how this
turns out, you can't see anything.
lt's been blown up so many times.
-Well listen, Tina.
Will you just do it for me?
Look, here's the negative.
lt's number sixty nine, seventeen.
lt'll take me some minutes.
Look, l used to go around...
...with that horrible Cindy Slater.
-She was so ignorant!
-Pushing her hair in her face,...
...and chewing gum all the time!
Just all of the time,
she's chewing gum!
lt was just terrible
trying to grow up with...
Right. Ok...
Wait, wait! There...
So what happened to her?
-She ran off with your boyfriend.
Oh, no! Not my boyfriend.
-Wasn't it? Wasn't he...
No, it was just an acquaintance.
-l heard they became hippies...
Me a hippie!
-Well, how come?
You want a cigarette? Alright.
This clearly shows that Officer X
was in the front...
...and firing from the front with a
Russian 6.76 millimeter rifle,...
...causing a neck wound in
the President's neck.
Seven eighths of an inch
below the collar button.
The Warren Commission just...