Fundamental attributes, they...
...add all these long words:
general characteristics,...
...political view points...
They really run it down!
Physical appearance...
Do you think l'm unusually
attractive orjust...
...regularly attractive?
l don't know, man. Lie!
You know Eileen Roberts,
the plump widow...
...that managed the house
where Oswald was living...
...under the name of O.H. Lee.
You get it? O.H. Lee!
Lee Harvey Oswald! Right?
l never thought about that much...
-lt's like that.
Philosophy of life values?
Had l the ability l would
like to do the work of...
They didn't want to catch him.
He just drove right off, like that.
lt is perhaps too far fetched
to imagine...
...that they were giving Oswald
some kind of signal...
...although it seems as plausible
as any other explanation...
...to this bizarre incident.
-And then you see...
...after Mrs. Roberts testified
in Dallas, in April of 1964...
...she was subjected to intensive
police harassment.
Cops came around and bugged her...
...at all hours of the night
and day, and stuff like that.
And they called up her employers
and told her employers...
...that she was the lady who ran
the house where Oswald was.
She lost all these jobs, man!
She lost...
...four housekeeping
and nursing jobs...
...in April, May and June
of 1964 alone!
Hi, Barbara Miller?
Hi, l'm Paul Shaw.
l have a computer date. May l come in?
You're Paul Shaw?
Oh my God, l don't believe it!