Living nails with Fabergé glaze.
Perfectly shaped and guaranteed
chip free for a week!
And what the hell did you do?
Throw on a sweater?
Hold on. Lloyd! No, hold on a second!
Listen to me, ok?
No, just listen a second.
Remember l was supposed
to go on a computer date?
No she was great looking, yeah.
But she's really not ready for me,
and l'm not ready for her.
And, since you're one of
my best friends l figured...
...maybe she'd be ready for
you or you'd be ready for her.
FBl exhibit sixty, slip and firm...
...President's shirt and tie...
Seven eighths of an inch from...
Now, President's head wound,
President's neck wounds!
The autopsy of
the first Naval Hospital...
Hole was located approximately
five and a half inches...
...from the tip of the right
Five and a half inches...
...from the right shoulder.
You're such fun. Now the arch...
Seventeen degrees...