Not the FBl! No sir, boy!
'Cause l'm gonna...
l'm gonna show them a thing or three.
Common, this is important!
Now five and three quarter
inches below the...
Five and three quarter inches...
Bullet, right there.
Now the neck...
...bullet wound...
The holes don't match!
The FBl falsified the
Bethesda autopsy.
They said the bullet went in...
...five and three quarters inches
below the top of the collar, but...
...Carico, a resident...
Common this is important!
Carico who is a resident physician,...
...at Parkway, said that the bullet
went in below the...
...below the mastoid about five...
Right below the mastoid
process there...
Now, if the FBl thinks that the
bullet hole went in the back...
...by the downward street grade,
shot the bullet at...
...17 degrees, 30 minutes
and 27 seconds...
...the President would've had
to be standing on his head...
...for the bullet to go in here
and come out here...
So that proves conclusively,
beyond the shadow of a doubt,...
...the FBl was lying!
They were covering up with...
Read the Rat! Read all about it!
Tells you where to get a gun,
where to get an abortion,...
...how to stay out of the army,...
...how to desert the army if
you're already in it,...
...how to sneak on to the subway,...
...where to steal food,
how to go on welfare.
Free legal aid! Right here man!
Hey, ever see a Rat?
Rat in every room!
Scare the shit out of your neighbors!
Rats, right here!
New York's new
revolutionary newspaper!
Did you ever see The Rat?
lt's out of sight! Check it out!
ls this an ad?
-Well they didn't put it in.