Oh no! The wall is in you!
You are the wall!
There's no beginning, no end.
lt's all one.
But don't look at me!
l want you to feel that.
Can you feel it?
You, the wall, becoming one...
-Oh yeah!
Yes, that's good!
Oh no!
You're jumping to the result!
We've got to start at the beginning.
The beginning of all energies.
The source!
Do you feel that?
That's very good!
We've got to raise that energy
up from that swamp...
...away from all those murky thoughts.
All that lower force...
...better go upwards
with my finger tips...
Do you feel it, moving upwards?
Branching out in all directions.
Raising up through the higher,
...to the source of all life...
Let it open up, through and notice.
Oh, do you feel that? lt's good.
You are all powerful!
You can do anything!
No! l'm not ready!
Do you feel that?
Do you feel that throbbing?
Do you feel that rhythm?
We too must become one rhythm.
One music, one harmony...
We're separate now.
We've got to be one vibration.
One great musical rhythm!
One magnificent scale!
Let it go through you and into me,...
...and through you and back.
Yes, yes, you're feeling it now!
You're becoming wonderful!
Very good!
Very good! Yes, wonderful!
One mind!
One music!
Oh, lovely, lovely!
Very good, very good!