
Ah, that's good!
Now, take your brush...
Do you have a brush?
-Yes, l have one!

No, don't talk to the camera!
You see, don't talk to the camera.

Don't look at it!
Oh, l take my watch off, first.
-Right! Take your watch off!

Well, here it is.
-No that's it! Take your watch.

Now listen, get your brush.

Now come and look out
the window and...

...look quickly.
-Here it is.

We're running out of film!
-l'm so alone!

Come and look out the window.
-Oh, alright!

Get your brush.
-l'll take my shoes off.

Take off your shoes. That's it.
That's it!
Now kneel on the bed and
look out the window.

And comb your hair.
That's it! Look at the window.
Look at yourself in the window
and pucker up your lips...

...and go like that.
Nice, that's it! That's it!
Ok, now, don't you think you're hot?
Don't you want to go to bed now?
l'm tired!
-Yes, you're tired!

l'm tired and alone!
-You want to sleep.

So you should take off your dress.
Sure. Take it off.
-My dress?

Remember, this is a private moment,...
...and no one is watching.
And you know this is...

:59:15 of the beautiful moments,
so don't worry about it.

Just take it off. No one cares!
l don't care! l'm just recording...
...this beautiful moment
to show to you later.

Go ahead! That's all!
That's it, take it off!
That's it!
That's it!
And when you take your dress off
just throw it on the floor!

You're tired, you wanna go to bed!
l have to unbutton it first.
There's a lot of buttons!

Yeah, that's it!
That's it!
Ok, now take it off!
That's it, take it off and
throw it on the bed.

Hurry up!
We're running out of film!
-l wouldn't throw it on the bed.

Go ahead! What?
-lt would get wrinkled!

Hurry up!
-Ok, l'm unbuttoned!

You shouldn't talk though.
-Oh, l'm sorry...
