This one's all set.
Well, move it on in.
Pick some of that iron up.
Can you save the wellhead, Chance,
or am I gonna have to redrill it?
Don't cut your throat yet,
We'll do what we can.
- Uh, Mr. Buckman.
- Yeah?
Acquaint our television audience with what's
going on. Have you got anything to say?
Yeah, your TV truck's
too close.
Happy New Year!
New year, new job,
Helen, this is
Chance Buckman.
- Helen Meadows.
- How do you do?
She was on the plane
from Mexico City.
She's never seen
an oil-well fire.
Well, I hope you find this one
very interesting, Miss Meadows.
Thank you.
I thought your menu
for New Year's was Mexican.
That was last night.
Why waste a perfectly good fire?
Are you gonna watch it
with her, or join us?
Huh? Oh, yeah.
- Uh, where are my work clothes?
- Calhoun's trailer.
- You're going to go into that?
- Uh-huh.
You're insane, and so am I
for not going on to Denver.
Whoa, honey.
Denver's full of ice and snow...
and very cold people.