I'm Letitia Buckman.
Oh, well, I'm Irene Foster.
The boys told me you were in town.
They're back here.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Hello, there.
- What a surprise.
A business office.
Fine thing.
Won't they let you
play with them?
No, I'm into them for too much.
This is my game.
- It's an exhausting business.
- Mmm.
I'll bring some coffee.
I just missed you
at the hospital.
You were pulling out
as I was pulling in.
- How good is Dr. Forrest?
- The best.
I wonder. He tells me
Dad is fine,
then he tells me it's no use
coming back for another week.
He told you he was
gonna keep him sedated.
It's the only way the doc can keep
from tangling with your old man.
That reminds me.
I have a message from Uncle Jack.
He's gonna take the blame
for my being here.
- Lomax doesn't have to...
- Buy it, will ya?
These are incredible!
Is this what they're
really like?
Kind of, yeah,
but no two are ever the same.
Come here.
I want to show you something.
This is where your dad
signs the checks,
when he gets around
to it.
From an African
tribal chief.
His presentation speech
lasted over an hour.
What he was saying was that to him,
Chance hung the moon.
My work room.
Except Chance uses it for
all the junk he collects.
This one's oddball.
That's live steam shooting up
under 6,000 pounds pressure.
- No oil?
- They drilled into an underground volcano.
Chance capped that one
by himself.
- Where were you?
- In Nigeria on another job.
Chance talked them into
building a power plant.
Says it'll supply eight Mexican towns
for the next hundred years.
That's wonderful.