See ya when we get back.
Would you, uh,
like to let your friend
know you're coming?
Yes, I would.
New Orleans information.
Miss Joan Gilman,
112 Elm Street.
- Hi!
- Hi!
- Come on!
- What's the big rush?
I got to get me
a rent car.
- You going to a fire or something?
- Yes.
- What for?
- I met a fireman.
- Hi, George.
- How'd you get here?
In this.
Would you tell this officer
that I am Chance Buckman's daughter?
She sure is.
I'm sorry, Miss.
If I was to let everybody through,
there'd be a thousand sightseers.
I saw them. It took me hours
to get through the traffic.
- Where are Greg and Joe?
- At the motel before the turn-off.
You passed it comin' in.
What're they doing there?
Is anything wrong?
No. Greg's a little unhappy about the
water supply, but it's being worked on.
Thank you.