I just scuffed a ball,
Mother, that's all.
Don't read anything into it
that isn't there.
You've been smoking more,
and I notice you've been
drinking a little faster lately.
Don't read anything into that
that isn't there either.
I'd rather have one week or one day
or one hour of happiness with Greg...
than the years of
loneliness you've had.
- Chance! Greg!
- Amal!
- Good to see you, Amal.
- Not half as good as it is to see you two.
- We're in trouble.
- Tish.
This is Amal Bokru.
My wife.
- My daughter.
- My father-in-law.
- And my pleasure.
- How do you do?
- Welcome to Malaya, Mrs. Parker.
- Thank you.
Congratulations, Greg.
You must be tired. Your rooms are ready,
but they'll need your passports at the desk.
I have them.
I'll take care of it.
How do we stand
on equipment?
Everything you cabled for is being
trucked into the jungle.
- Most of it should be there by now.
- What about the gas masks?
The army was a little upset
you would not use theirs.
For a sour well we want
equipment we're used to.
Poison well?
I never heard of such a thing.