Why don't you gentlemen have some
coffee. I want to talk to my wife.
Tish, I don't care if they've
brought in the whole army.
I still worry about you. I want you
to fly back to Caracas with them.
I'll phone you every night.
I promise.
It'll just take me
a minute to pack.
Do you have to go back and talk to them,
or can you come and talk to me?
They can wait.
What's all the mystery? Why do you
wait 'til you get here to call me?
And why don't you want
your father to know you're here?
Because I have to talk to you, Mother,
before I see him. Greg's in trouble.
He's on a job I don't think
he can handle without Dad.
I know what this means to you.
That's why I had to see you alone first.
Why couldn't they both
have just been insurance salesmen?
Please understand.
I've got to ask him.
Is this trouble anything
the State Department is aware of?
- Yes.
- Then he probably knows already.
When I left, he was talking with two men who
had just flown in from the State Department.
Being told about it
is one thing.
- I've got to know his answer.
- Well, surely you can't doubt what that'll be.
Tish, surely you don't think
I'd try to stop him.
Forgive me that, please.
I dreaded coming here.
I dread asking him.
Most of all, I dread
what this does to you.