
I can't fight
all of ya.

The detonator wires on all three
nitro drums lead back to this pit...

where they're spliced in
to one plunger.

Now, nothing triggers
'til that plunger is pushed.

- You hope.
- Fervently.

We knocked off the end two together.
This setup is better.

The wire runs are closer
to being the same length.

You tried two,
and you happened to come off lucky.

Now you're tackling three.
All it takes is one
oversensitive blasting cap booster,

a loose piece
of asbestos wrapping...

or a hot spot burning
through an insulated wire,

and any one of those drums can go off
prematurely, or not at all.

Then where will you be?
Depends on where you are
at the time.

Jack, believe me, it's our firm
intention to double wrap the asbestos,

to triple check
the booster caps,

and if the insulated wire
does burn through,

we'll sue
the manufacturer.

You two are pretty
sure of yourselves.

Not if somebody has
a better idea. Do you?

No, I don't.
You wanna know the real
reason I came down?

To tell you this is one
you ought to back away from.

You wanna know the real reason
I'm glad you're here?

So I could ask you if you
wanted to handle this plunger.

I'd like that very much.
Esta libre todo.
No hay peligro.
All clear, Sr. Buckman.
I read you.
