What are you thinking?
Nothing. Go on.
From that time forth, a marked
change took place
in the outward behavior
of the young libertine.
She no longer left her estate,
excluding all companions.
Qr could the wild, unearthly
horse that she rode constantly
have claimed some mysterious
right of friendship...
Frederique remained faithful
to him.
In the glare of noon,
at the dead hour of night,
in sickness or in health,
in calm or in tempest,
Frederique seemed riveted to the
saddle of that colossal horse,
his audacities so well
accorded with her own spirit.
0ld man, will it take long?
I don't know.
Some days, the threads sing.
0n others, they resist
and tie themselves in knots.
I asked you how long.
Weeks... months perhaps.