These are two directors,
the Manetti brothers.
Maurizio and Ernestino.
My secretary...
And this is Vicky Rosenthal
who will be your guide.
I trust you had a pleasant trip.
He is not bad at all.
Yes, just right for the role.
We couldn't have chosen better.
Please, step this way.
It's the first Catholic Western.
Christ's return to the
bleak, desolate prairie.
And is this not
the secret desire of all men?
A new incarnation of Christ.
0ur Savior appearing this time
in concrete, tangible form.
Christ already lives in us,
but to show him in
a violently mundane context...
It may seem a desperate
Blasphemy, almost, I agree.
But I know an artist such as you,
whether a believer or not,
will understand
that structuralist cinema
can recapture sublime poetry
through primal images
that are spare,
eloquent in their poverty -
syntagmatic, as my friend
Roland Barthes would say.
Something between Dreyer
and Pasolini
with just a hint of John Ford,
of course.
As long as it reflects
the death throes and decay
of our capitalist system...
a Western can claim
to be militant.
That's what Lukacs says.
We'll create historical characters
sociologically contextualised.