- Evening, Alfred.
- Good evening, sir.
- Evening.
- Evening, sir.
Come in.
- Hello, sir.
- Well...
...hello, Jim.
- Here. Sit down.
- Thank you, sir.
- Pour you a drink?
- Yes, thank you.
I'm a bourbon man myself,
but when in Scotland...
Mists of the Scottish moors.
Does it for me.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Just how much do you know
about Ice Station Zebra?
Just what's been in the papers.
Drift Ice Station Zebra.
British civilian weather station
up at the North Pole.
- They're in some sort of trouble up there.
- Trouble, yes.
They've been sending distress signals,
but too weak and garbled to make sense.
There's something that's gone wrong
up there, that's for sure.
Some kind of fire or explosion...
Several men killed, the rest of them dying
from burns and exposure.
- It's pretty rugged.
- Yes, sir.
And they can't be reached.
Not by rescue planes.
The entire polar cap is completely
socked in with an ice storm.
Might not clear up for days, weeks.
No chance for the survivors, I suppose.
There's a chance. See, you're
going up there to get them out.
Those orders will come
through normal channels.
- Yes, sir.
- There's more to it. That's why I'm up here.
Those men up there
must be pretty important.
They're not the reason you're going.