Ice Station Zebra

Maneuvering watch is set, captain.
We're ready to get underway.

Okay, George.
What's the weather forecast
off western Scotland?

More of the same, captain.
Intermittent showers, state-three sea.

Winds, westerly, 8 to 10 knots.
- Very well.
- Captain.

- This is Mr. Jones.
- Welcome aboard, Mr. Jones.

- Thank you. I'll try not to be underfoot.
- We appreciate that. We're overcrowded.

Tell George to single up.
We'll be getting underway in a moment.

- Ed, we'll skip the trim dive.
- Sir.

- This way.
- Refreshingly informal, your American Navy.

On submarines, anyway,
living as close as we do.

We operate on a first-name basis.
My first name is Captain.
Be it ever so functional.
- I'm putting you here with Mr. Hansen.
- Your operations officer?

I'll drop in from time to time
to make sure you're...

Here, captain?
Here. Keep this with you.
This is a nuclear submarine,
as you know.

We'll check you from time to time
for radiation.

That's very kind of you.
You know, Mr. Jones...
:16:18 isn't every day that somebody
as important as Admiral Garvey...

...flies from London to Holy Loch...
:16:24 personally hand me a copy
of somebody's orders.

What are you up to?
Isn't it there?
It does say:
"Mr. Jones is to be taken into
your fullest confidence...

...and will be extended every facility
and all aid... "

That puts a great deal
of responsibility on me.

It's a stunning character reference too,
don't you think?

And it is signed
by the chief of naval operations.

You must be delighted to know
what a trustworthy fellow I am.
