Attention, all hands. Captain.
We're going under the ice now.
- Sixty.
- Here it comes.
Ten feet.
- Ten feet.
- Five fathoms.
- Twenty feet. Deep pressure ridge.
- Camera.
TV. Closed-circuit.
Deep pressure ridge, 60 feet.
Fifty fathoms, 45 fathoms.
Forty fathoms.
Thirty-five fathoms.
Ten feet. Twenty feet.
Pressure ridge.
Pressure ridge again.
Thirty feet.
- Sounding, 30 fathoms.
- Thick ice. Thick ice.
Bottom is shoaling, captain,
25 fathoms.
Thick ice. Regular overhead.
No ridges. Constant depth.
Still coming up, sir.
Sounding 20 fathoms.
Pressure ridge ahead. Depth unknown.
- All ahead, one-third.
- Thick ice.
- Sonar, what's the heavy side of that ridge?
- Heavy on the port side.
- Right full rudder.
- Sounding, 16 fathoms.
- Sonar, are we clear?
- Ice close to port portside.
Rudder amidships.
- Rudder amidships.
- Eighteen feet. Thick ice.