Inside of my range.
Seems heavier on the starboard bow.
Ridge ahead blocks me to 315.
Port beam possibly clear.
Starboard ahead one-third.
Port back one-third.
- Port ahead one-third.
- Port answering ahead one-third.
Fifteen feet.
Holding steady, captain.
Twenty feet. Thirty.
Control, sonar. Clearing ahead.
Shifting to fathoms.
Ten fathoms.
Take her down to 100 feet, Ed.
- All ahead, standard.
- All ahead, standard.
Twelve seconds.
That's no better than boot camp.
- Now let's try it with your eyes shut.
- Sir?
Moore, you're in the field.
It's pitch-dark. Your weapon jams.
You have to disassemble it.
- What are you gonna do? Strike a match?
- Sorry, sir.