Captain, when you surface,
you can radio to check on his authenticity.
Very well. I'll check on Captain Anders...
...and Mr. Vaslov and you.
- I've already vouched for Mr. Vaslov.
- As for me, you can eliminate me.
- Why?
You must, by a logical absurdity.
Have you forgotten?
I'm in charge of this operation.
Never entered my mind.
Then you'd better look again
at your orders.
I haven't labored the point so far because
you've been doing all that's been required.
But the primary objective of this mission
is to get me to Ice Station Zebra.
Those orders come from chief of naval
operations, direct to him from the president.
So before we go any further,
I suggest that you get me there.
Put another torpedo up the spout,
blow a hole in the ice and get me there!
One of my men is dead.
Three badly hurt,
and my ship nearly wiped out.
Now, you take another look
at those orders.
I'm in command of this submarine, and I'm
not sticking another torpedo up that spout...
...or taking another chance or making
another damn move until I know exactly...
...what we're doing and why.
Captain, control.
We've hit a lead. We're under thin ice, sir.
Well, that does make the problem academic,
doesn't it, captain?
Thin ice.
Thin ice.
Three feet.
Three feet.
Two feet.
Two feet.
Two feet.
Three feet.
Thin ice. Three feet.
Two feet.
Three feet.
Thin ice.
- Thin ice.
- Take her up.
Three feet.
Three feet.
Two feet.