Yes, he got caught.
When the storm cleared, he'd run the film
up on that balloon...
...and a Russian plane would pick it up.
And we'd live under the threat of what
was on that film for the rest of our lives.
Whoever went out there in that storm
must have had some electronic device.
A homer, to lead him to the capsule.
He couldn't have seen it.
Very good, captain.
And dead right.
Both men had such a device.
Well, then, if we find the homer...
...we've found the capsule.
Very good, captain, and dead wrong.
I brought one with me.
Same as Halliwell's.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work.
The frequency's been changed.
Or the film isn't here.
It's here, all right.
Pity you mislaid your submarine.
We could have used your men.