Seven metres.
Him too. He's laughing at me.
- I didn't say a thing.
I'm eating tomatoes.
- Merlot, you go too.
Seven metres.
Sergeant, they've
become inseparable.
The colonel's wife is a cradle snatcher,
a spider.
A spider that weaves its
web around me, poor cocoon.
Pass me the camembert?
Chief, can I have a piece of reblochon
with a bit of butter?
- No, thank you.
I see that you trust me.
I'll talk to you as a friend.
You're right. She's not the woman
for you. Break up with her.
Do it right away. You should break with her.
I have a plan.
What if she finds you in
the company of young girls?
You must, you must. Listen carefully.
You invite her to the Byblos.
But you don't go.
I'm going. And I take her
to another place, the Poster.
There she sees you with
those young girls and she detests you.
That's when she'll give up,
get it?
Can't he leave for just a short while?
- It's an urgent report.
Work obligations, you know.
I'll replace him.
I'm replacing him.
Is it ok?
- Yes, fine.
The sergeant's TV is broken.