Those damned idiots, -
- loading me down
with a whole can.
And in this heat.
That's what I say about it.
To hell with them.
You took long enough.
I'm almost finished.
What do you mean, long?
You just can't reason
with those idiots from supply.
I tell them I want a little gas.
They say they haven't got any.
So I had to take a whole can.
That's regulations for you.
Hurry up.
I can't take this fiddling
around much longer.
We've only been here
two weeks, -
- and in two days
we won't have any more work.
In 2 days
we can twiddle our thumbs.
You are always napping anyway.
Don't be angry.
All work doesn't have to go
so fast.
Here are peaches.
Not peashes, but peaches.
Please take seat.
I'll make my round on the bike.
I'm not the best guard.