Ah, you're still here!
This is a friendly place here.
I'd like to stay for a while.
Have you found
any of your clan yet?
You see, I've thought it over.
It could be that your clan
is also looking for you, -
- and since you
are looking for them, -
- you might be going
in circles -
- and might never meet.
I don't run in circles;
others do.
Our people
always changes directions.
That's crazy.
I have a card trick to show you.
Is that a normal pack of cards?
Yes, it's legitimate.
All nines.
There must be a trick to it.
You must have a second pack
up your sleeve.
Oh, that's a fine collection.
Here is something for you.
That's a souvenir,
a little wooden owl.
You can buy one in any shop.
The eyes and ears are moving.
Maybe hydro-pressure has something
to do with the movements.