Now I'm only against myself.
One time Stroszek stretched a rope
and tried tight-rope walking.
Meinhard ran for Nora
to stop him.
But he was already on the rope
by the time she arrived.
But she retained her composure,
and he didn't fall.
What on earth are you doing?
Lighting a cigarette.
Are you mad?
We'll all explode!
Oh, I see.
Give me the ones
that are finished.
I said the finished ones.
All of them.
Now fill them with some powder.
More wool.
I didn't find any sawdust,
but it should work.
What a way to cut that.
Like this you see.
That's how it should be done.
Will that help?
I'm sure that it'll work
like a rocket exploding.
No, not in any case.
I'll show you.
If I fill the rocket with powder
and then wool -
- it won't explode all at once.
It will go gradually,
Before we proceed
we ought to try one out.
How many do you have?
About 8.
Wait to set them off.
I'll get Nora.