No. lt was my grandfather.
And then there's land...
and well
during the war...
And you manage?
Yes, l manage all right.
lsn't it rather a man's job?
l'm getting tired...
Me too. Let's go back.
Let's go there.
You like making love?
Well, depends who with.
why do you ask me?
l don't know.
l feel dizzy.
Listen, l can't swim.
Go on...
don't be afraid.
No, l mean,
do you like it?
Well... making love...
l don't know.
You don't know?
That's not
a very good sign, is it?
l'm a virgin.
Take me for a fool?
You don't believe me.
And yet l've no reason to lie.
l'm not proud of it, anyhow.
l know what you're thinking.
With the life l lead...