I'll tell you what's the matter with him.
With him, everything's either right or wrong.
There's no in-between.
I remember once when he was
my precinct commander,
the wholesale butcher in the neighbourhood
gave out Christmas turkeys.
Every cop in the precinct got one.
Butcher wasn't asking for any favours,
he just had an attack of Santa Claus.
But Russell sent his turkey back.
His wife was alive at the time,
they didn't have much, like the rest of us.
But he sent his back.
What a break for the turkey.
You're smoking.
Yeah, sure I'm smoking.
You all right, Tony?
You look a bit off-key for graduation day.
I didn't sleep worth a damn last night.
Oh, your shoelaces is untied.
I haven't heard that for years.
My father used to say it all the time.
I miss him. Especially on a day like today.
Do you remember that winter
when you and I were
nothing more than rookies
and the department had you marching
out there in the winds of Staten Island?
You froze, because you wouldn't cooperate
with the boys from Tammany Hall.
And it was Captain Kane of the old
7th Precinct that did something about it.
Two days later, you were off Staten Island.
It was as cold in the far reaches
of the Bronx where I was,
and he didn't raise a finger to bring me in.
I loved your father.
He was the only one I had.
I didn't mind sharing him with you.