God knew what he was
talking about when he said:
Remember, thou art dust
and to dust thou shalt return.
Dear friends, a crematorium
is pleasing to our Lord,
helping Him to hasten
our transformation into dust.
Some object, saying that Christ
was buried, not cremated.
Quite a different matter,
dear friends.
I tell those good people:
They embalmed our Savior,
wrapped Him in a shroud
and interred Him in a cave.
But none of you
will be interred in a cave
or wrapped in a shroud.
My dear friends,
we live in a humane
country that builds crematoria.
But not for no reason,
or just to visit like a museum.
After life's tribulations, they
allow people to lie down quietly
and be transformed into dust.
I have a wonderful book
on Tibet - page 38, for example:
Suffering is an evil we must be
rid of, or at least alleviate.
The sooner a man turns to dust
the sooner he is free,
Animals, too.
It takes 20 years in a grave
but just 75 minutes
at a crematorium.
Well, dear friends...
to humanity's happiness.