Mr. Koprkingl,
I don't want to trouble you,
but have you got the morphine?
I told you Mr. Reinke
is out of town. Be patient.
You can't worry about morphine
with the Germans at the border.
They've convened a conference.
It may mean war, and Miss Carska
...was just about to get married.
How horrible it is to lose
so many
loved ones in their prime.
Frost burns
flowers' flush cheeks,
and the Angel of Death
takes his toll.
An educated speaker.
They're playing
Dvorak's Largo, Mr. Dvorak.
In 75 minutes Miss Carska's
ashes will fill and urn.
But not her soul.
That can't be.
It will be reincarnated,
liberated, as the Tibetans say.
It will rise into the ether.
You know, premature death is
a blessing only if it relieves
...great suffering.