Spalovac mrtvol

It's Christmas Eve, my dears,
and the temple of death is idle.

No cremating today, but they
should cremate on Christmas

when so many souls
need emancipating,

need liberating
into space to find new bodies.

Christmas should be generous
to the dead, too.

At least the carp
have profited.

Just as a token. I don't drink.
Germans don't drink either.
That humane nation
also has a cremation law.

A great future awaits them.

I hope we, too, belong
to this chosen people

who will implement
a higher moral code.

Blood is blood
and cannot be renounced.

Do you still feel it's
necessary, Mr. Kopfrkingl?

What kind of blood do I have,

Lt'll be negative, as usual.
That's not what I meant.
I was wondering...

whether it's Czech blood...
or German?
It's impossible to tell.
Well, then,
whether it's Slavic or Germanic?

There's no difference in blood.
The same as with human ashes.

You yourself always say that -
whether French or Spanish,
